Mighty Mainframe
Dots 2

Ivo Štampalija

Senior Mainframe Specialist at CROZ

Ivo Stampalija playing for a CROZ team for last 17 years on different positions. He brought experience of mainframe system engineer role from a financial industry oriented customer and started to play for him in very challenging role of integration software implementator which connecting IT world from different dimensions in enterprise universe (z/OS, Linux, Windows, AIX, iSeries).

Everything is about integration! Wherever you look, you’ll witness the integration process between entities and transformation of them affected by information brought trough integration points. Especially in IT. The beauty is in continous change of every small speck of process with simplification, automatization and modernization.

Since he is very avid about the basketball, he likes to compare complexity of enterprise IT world with the flow of ball between players, and how each role has it’s own place at the field as wall as out of it, with the final purpose of scoring.

We are here to enjoy and play!